On Wednesday, June 21, 2023, from 4-7PM Automate Canada held our AGM at the Ciociaro Club in Windsor. In addition to the business portion of the evening, attendees heard from 3 guest speakers – Brendan Sweeney, Stephen MacKenzie and Robert Mastrotto.
Automate Canada revealed some plans for the upcoming year including an increased events calendar, including in-person and virtual events. The primary focus for the upcoming year will be membership growth and increasing the value associated with membership. Participation in trade shows and new partnerships will also guide the upcoming year for the association. A membership drive is planned within the GTA and bolstering Automate Canada’s national branding to increase exposure across the nation, for the association and its members.
Communication with current members to ensure the appropriate supports and benefits are being offered is also on the calendar.
Automate Canada remains committed to the Strategic Plan laid out by our Board of Directors and these pillars were discussed at the AGM. Skill and Talent Development, a critical aspect, remains facilitated through our committee consisting of members of the Automate Canada and CAMM Boards. A collaboration with OVIN to support workforce development tools, and a joint partnership with CAMM and Family Services of Peel provides apprenticeship funding and support to member companies.
Branding and Collaboration, another strategic pillar, was discusses as a crucial component of success. This includes an increased social media presence and a comprehensive marketing plan. A revamped website as a robust member resource is also part of the strategy. New branding kits, marketing and onboarding materials are all things to look forward to in the coming months.
Finally, technology adoption and a culture of innovation, the final strategic pillar, will be implemented through a series of webinars and other events promoting technology adoption while remaining at the forefront of innovative ideas.
The upcoming year will be that of growth for Automate Canada with the guidance and collective knowledge and expertise of our Board of Directors.