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BDC Study – Industry 4.0: The New Industrial Revolution Are Canadian manufacturers ready?

A new revolution Breakthroughs in information technology, mobile communications and robotics have led to the growing use of digital technologies in factories around the world. This transformation has come to be known as Industry 4.0—or the Fourth Industrial Revolution—after those sparked by the steam engine, the assembly line and electronic automation. The impact on manufacturing promises to be remarkable. We are already witnessing the impact digital transformation is having in Europe and the U.S., where highly automated and flexible factories can now compete against low-cost factories in Asia. If you’re like many Canadian manufacturers, you may be wary of the cost and complexity of introducing digital technologies into your business. However, our study suggests these tools dramatically improve productivity, growth and customer satisfaction. What’s more, it’s now possible for almost any company to get involved. This report gives an overview of Industry 4.0, including a snapshot of the current level of adoption by small and mid-sized manufacturers in Canada, based on a national survey. It also explains why investing in this area is so important for your business and offers tips on how to do it right. Along the way, you will meet entrepreneurs just like you who are already reaping the benefits of Industry 4.0 technologies in their companies. The revolution is underway. Are you ready to take the plunge?

Access the full report HERE: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/viewer.html?pdfurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bdc.ca%2FEN%2FDocuments%2Fanalysis_research%2Fbdc-etude-manufacturing-en.pdf&clen=2515898&chunk=true
