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Create Wins in the Tech Industry – Bridge the Talent Gap and Hire Inclusively

Have you ever considered hiring a student to help you with your business?

With the rapidly evolving landscape of the advanced manufacturing sector and adaptations of new technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), visual machine learning etc. in the fields of automotive manufacturing, healthcare, agri-tech, oil and gas as well as the hospitality sector, bringing a student employee on board to support your talent needs can be a game-changer. In fact, it’s bad business not to. That is what you will hear if you ask hundreds of employers who have been utilizing TECHNATION Canada’s Career Ready Program.

Read the full article from We-Tech Alliance HERE: https://www.wetech-alliance.com/2022/04/06/create-wins-in-the-tech-industry-bridge-the-talent-gap-and-hire-inclusively/
