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FREE Webinar with CMHA on Mental Health at Work: Managing Anxiety and Stress during COVID-19

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Since March 22, CAMM & Automate Canada have been surveying the manufacturing, moldmaking, and industrial automation industries weekly to understand the impact the COVID-19 crisis is having on us.  

One of the issues listed as a significant concern every week has been Employee Anxiety.

Over 2/3 of those surveyed said it was a major challenge and concern both now & into the future.

We listened and reached out to the Canadian Mental Health Association – Windsor-Essex County Branch who worked with us to offer a webinar designed for us.

We encourage you to sign up ASAP for this webinar:  Mental Health at Work:  Managing Anxiety and Stress during COVID-19.  We are limiting the webinar to 100 spaces and we expect they may fill up quickly.

CMHA has waived their normal fee to provide this service to us at no charge – and even tailored the webinar for Owners, Managers, HR staff in Manufacturing.

We hear you….  and we are taking action
