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Windsor Hackforge

Hackforge is a registered non-profit focused in technology. A member-driven organization, we host events and programming for beginners, professionals, and hobbyists. Hackforge operates as an event space, community workshop, and co-working space.

Vision Statement: Hackforge is the key catalyst of a thriving, tech-empowered Windsor.

Mission Statement: Hackforge is technology enthusiasts growing the tech capabilities of our region by creating connections and learning together.

Value Statements:

  1. Hackforge encourages creativity: finding new ideas and new ways to work together.
  2. Hackforge champions diversity in all elements of the technology community; creating a space where everyone is welcome and working to create a more inclusive industry.
  3. Hackforge supports its members in active learning and teaching at all levels.
  4. Welcome and respect to all who walk through Hackforge’s doors.
  5. Hackforge is built and grown by its members.

Find out more about Hackforge HERE: https://hackf.org/about/
